The Complete JavaScript Course 2018: Build Real Projects!

Master JavaScript with the most complete course on the market! Projects, challenges, quizzes, ES6+, OOP, AJAX, Webpack
4.6 (32,368 ratings)
157,197 students enrolled
Created by Jonas Schmedtmann
Last updated 11/2018
 English, Italian [Auto-generated],
Japanese [Auto-generated]
Portuguese [Auto-generated]
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Turkish [Auto-generated]
  • No coding experience is necessary to take this course! I take you from beginner to expert!
  • Any computer and OS will work — Windows, macOS or Linux. We will set up your text editor the course.
  • A basic understanding of HTML and CSS is a plus, but not a must! The course includes a 5-minutes HTML and CSS crash course.

Course content

Course Introduction

Welcome to the Course!
Setting up Our Tools

JavaScript Language Basics

Section Intro
Download the Code
Let's start coding!
A Brief Introduction to JavaScript
Variables and Data Types
Variable Mutation and Type Coercion
Basic Operators
Operator Precedence
Coding Challenge 1
Coding Challenge 1: Solution
If / else Statements
Boolean Logic
The Ternary Operator and Switch Statements
Truthy and Falsy Values and Equality Operators
Coding Challenge 2
Coding Challenge 2: Solution
Function Statements and Expressions
Coding Challenge 3
Coding Challenge 3: Solution
Objects and Properties
Objects and Methods
Coding Challenge 4
Coding Challenge 4: Solution
Loops and Iteration
Coding Challenge 5
Coding Challenge 5: Solution, Part 1
Coding Challenge 5: Solution, Part 2
JavaScript Versions: ES5, ES6 / ES2015 and ES6+

How JavaScript Works Behind the Scenes

Section Intro
Download the Code
How Our Code Is Executed: JavaScript Parsers and Engines
Execution Contexts and the Execution Stack
Execution Contexts in Detail: Creation and Execution Phases and Hoisting
Hoisting in Practice
Scoping and the Scope Chain
The 'this' Keyword
The 'this' Keyword in Practice

JavaScript in the Browser: DOM Manipulation and Events

Section Intro
Download the Code
The DOM and DOM Manipulation
5-Minute HTML and CSS Crash Course
Project Setup and Details
First DOM Access and Manipulation
Events and Event Handling: Rolling the Dice
Updating Scores and Changing the Active Player
Implementing Our 'Hold' Function and the DRY Principle
Creating a Game Initialization Function
Finishing Touches: State Variables
Coding Challenge 6
Coding Challenge 6: Solution, Part 1
Coding Challenge 6: Solution, Part 2
Coding Challenge 6: Solution, Part 3
Advanced JavaScript: Objects and Functions
Section Intro
Download the Code
Everything Is an Object: Inheritance and the Prototype Chain
Creating Objects: Function Constructors
The Prototype Chain in the Console
Creating Objects: Object.create
Primitives vs. Objects
First Class Functions: Passing Functions as Arguments
First Class Functions: Functions Returning Functions
Immediately Invoked Function Expressions (IIFE)
Bind, Call and Apply
Coding Challenge 7
Coding Challenge 7: Solution, Part 1
Coding Challenge 7: Solution, Part 2

Putting It All Together: The Budget App Project

Section Intro
Download the Code
Project Setup and Details
Project Planning and Architecture: Step 1
Implementing the Module Pattern
Setting up the First Event Listeners
Reading Input Data
Creating an Initialization Function
Creating Income and Expense Function Constructors
Adding a New Item to Our Budget Controller
Adding a New Item to the UI
Clearing Our Input Fields
Updating the Budget: Controller
Updating the Budget: Budget Controller
Updating the Budget: UI Controller
Project Planning and Architecture: Step 2
Event Delegation
Setting up the Delete Event Listener Using Event Delegation
Deleting an Item from Our Budget Controller
Deleting an Item from the UI
Project Planning and Architecture: Step 3
Updating the Percentages: Controller
Updating the Percentages: Budget Controller
Updating the Percentages: UI Controller
Formatting Our Budget Numbers: String Manipulation
Displaying the Current Month and Year
Finishing Touches: Improving the UX
We’ve Made It! Final Considerations

Next Generation JavaScript: Intro to ES6 / ES2015

Section Intro
Download the Code
What's new in ES6 / ES2015
Variable Declarations with let and const
Blocks and IIFEs
Strings in ES6 / ES2015
Arrow Functions: Basics
Arrow Functions: Lexical 'this' Keyword
Arrays in ES6 / ES2015
The Spread Operator
Rest Parameters
Default Parameters
Classes with Subclasses
Coding Challenge 8: Solution

Asynchronous JavaScript: Promises, Async/Await and AJAX

Section Intro
An Example of Asynchronous JavaScript
Understanding Asynchronous JavaScript: The Event Loop
The Old Way: Asynchronous JavaScript with Callbacks
From Callback Hell to Promises
From Promises to Async/Await
Making AJAX Calls with Fetch and Promises
Making AJAX Calls with Fetch and Async/Await

Modern JavaScript: Using ES6, NPM, Babel and Webpack

Section Intro
Project Overview
An Overview of Modern JavaScript
A Brief Introduction to the Command Line
A Modern Setup: Installing Node.js and NPM
A Modern Setup: Configuring Webpack
A Modern Setup: The Webpack Dev Server
A Modern Setup: Babel
Planning our Project Architecture with MVC
How ES6 Modules Work
Making our First API Calls
Building the Search Model
Building the Search Controller
Building the Search View - Part 1
Building the Search View - Part 2
Rendering an AJAX Loading Spinner
Implementing Search Results Pagination
Building the Recipe Model - Part 1
Building the Recipe Controller
Building the Recipe Model - Part 2
Building the Recipe View - Part 1
Building the Recipe View - Part 2
Updating Recipe Servings
Building the Shopping List Model
Building the Shopping List View
Building the Shopping List Controller
Building the Likes Model
Building the Likes Controller
Building the Likes View
Implementing Persistent Data with localStorage
Wrapping up: Final Considerations

Final Course Exam: 30 Questions to Test Your JavaScript Knowledge

Some Considerations Before You Start
30 Questions to Test Your JavaScript Knowledge


Where to Go from Here
Be the First to Know About New Course Launches!

BONUS: A Node.js Crash Course

A Quick Overview of Node.js
The Laptop Store Project, Part 1
The Laptop Store Project, Part 2

About the instructor

Jonas Schmedtmann
Web Developer, Designer, and Teacher

Hi, I'm Jonas! I have been identified as one of Udemy's Top Instructors and all my premium courses have recently earned the best-selling status for outstanding performance and student satisfaction.

I'm a web designer and developer with a great passion for building beautiful new things from scratch. I've been building websites since 2007 and also have a Master's degree in Engineering.
It was in college where I first discovered my passion for teaching and helping others by sharing my knowledge. And that passion brought me to Udemy, where my students really appreciate that I take the time to explain important concepts in a way that everyone can easily understand.
Do you want to learn how to build awesome websites with advanced HTML and CSS?
Want to know how to make your websites look beautiful and professional?
Looking for a complete JavaScript course that takes you from beginner to advanced developer?
Then enrol in my courses today and join 320,000+ happy students. If I had to describe each of my courses in one sentence, I would say “This is exactly the course I wish I had when I first started building websites".
So if you don't want to go through all the books and thousands of online articles and tutorials like I did, then enrol in my course today! I will be very happy to share my knowledge with you, and help you with everything I can along the way.

Because happy students make me happy too!

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