The Web Developer Bootcamp Free Online Course

The Web Developer Bootcamp

The only course you need to learn web development - HTML, CSS, JS, Node, and More!
Created by Colt Steele
Last updated 12/2018

    • Have a computer with Internet
    • Be ready to learn an insane amount of awesome stuff
    • Prepare to build real web apps!
    • Brace yourself for stupid jokes about my dog Rusty

    Just updated to include Bootstrap 4.1.3!

    Hi! Welcome to the Web Developer Bootcamp, the only course you need to learn web development. There are a lot of options for online developer training, but this course is without a doubt the most comprehensive and effective on the market.  Here's why:

    • This is the only online course taught by a professional bootcamp instructor.
    • 94% of my in-person bootcamp students go on to get full-time developer jobs. Most of them are complete beginners when I start working with them.
    • The previous 2 bootcamp programs that I taught cost $14,000 and $21,000.  This course is just as comprehensive but with brand new content for a fraction of the price.
    • Everything I cover is up-to-date and relevant to today's developer industry. No PHP or other dated technologies. This course does not cut any corners.
    • This is the only complete beginner full-stack developer course that covers NodeJS.
    • We build 13+ projects, including a gigantic production application called YelpCamp. No other course walks you through the creation of such a substantial application.
    • The course is constantly updated with new content, projects, and modules.  Think of it as a subscription to a never-ending supply of developer training.
    • You get to meet my dog Rusty!
    When you're learning to program you often have to sacrifice learning the exciting and current technologies in favor of the "beginner friendly" classes.  With this course, you get the best of both worlds.  This is a course designed for the complete beginner, yet it covers some of the most exciting and relevant topics in the industry.

    Course content

    Introduction to this Course
    • A Note On Asking For Help
    • Introducing Our TA
    • Join the Online Community
    • Why This Course?
    • Syllabus Download
    • Syllabus Walkthrough
    • Lecture Slides

    Introduction to Front End Development
    • Unit Objectives
    • Note about Setting Up Front-End Developer Environment
    • Setting Up Front-End Developer Environment
    • Note about Introduction to the Web
    • Introduction to the Web
    • The Front End Holy Trinity

    Introduction to HTML
    • Unit Objectives
    • HTML Basics
    • Note about Introduction to MDN
    • Introduction to MDN
    • HTML Boilerplate and Comments
    • Basic Tags
    • HTML Lists
    • HTML Lists Assignment
    • HTML Lists Assignment: SOLUTION
    • Divs and Spans
    • HTML Attributes
    • Recreate Webpage Assignment
    • Recreate Webpage Assignment: SOLUTION

    Intermediate HTML
    • Unit Objectives
    • HTML Tables
    • Tables Pokemon Exercise
    • Tables Pokemon Exercise: SOLUTION
    • Introduction to Forms
    • Playing with Inputs
    • The Form Tag
    • Form Validations
    • Dropdowns and Radio Buttons
    • Form Exercise
    • Note about the Form Exercise solution
    • Form Exercise: SOLUTION

    Introduction to CSS
    • Unit Objectives
    • CSS Basics
    • Our First Stylesheet
    • Note about CSS Colors (next lecture)
    • CSS Colors
    • Background and Border
    • Note about Selectors Basics Todo List
    • Selectors Basics Todo List
    • Introduction to Chrome Inspector
    • More Advanced Selectors
    • Note about Specificity and the Cascade
    • Specificity and the Cascade
    • Note about Selectors Practice Exercise
    • Selectors Practice Exercise
    • Selectors Practice Exercise: SOLUTION

    Intermediate CSS
    • Unit Objectives
    • Text and Fonts
    • More Text and Fonts
    • Note about Google Fonts
    • Using Google Fonts
    • Introduction to the Box Model
    • Creating a Tic Tac Toe Board
    • Creating a Tic Tac Toe Board: SOLUTION
    • Note about Image Gallery Code Along Pt. 1
    • Image Gallery Code Along Pt. 1
    • Note about changes to Google Fonts
    • Image Gallery Code Along Pt. 2
    • CSS Blog From Scratch Exercise Intro
    • CSS Blog From Scratch Exercise SOLUTION Pt. 1
    • CSS Blog From Scratch Exercise SOLUTION Pt. 2
    • CSS Blog From Scratch Exercise SOLUTION Pt. 3

    • Unit Objectives
    • Note about Bootstrap versions
    • What is Bootstrap?
    • Adding Bootstrap to a Project
    • Forms and Inputs
    • Nav Bars
    • Note about The Grid System
    • The Grid System
    • Grid System Pt. 2
    • Note about Bootstrap Image Gallery Pt. 1
    • Bootstrap Image Gallery Pt. 1
    • Note about Font-awesome
    • Bootstrap Image Gallery Pt. 2
    • Creating a Startup Landing Page Code Along
    • Creating a Startup Landing Page Code Along Pt. 2
    • Note about making bootstrap responsive on mobile devices

    Bootstrap 4!
    • A History of Bootstrap 4
    • The Bootstrap 4 Documentation
    • Changes from Bootstrap 3 to 4
    • Bootstrap 4 Code/Solutions Download
    • Getting Started With Bootstrap 4
    • Bootstrap 4 Colors and Backgrounds
    • Typography
    • New Fancy Spacing Utilities
    • Responsive Breakpoints
    • Bootstrap4 Navbars
    • The New Display Utility

    Bootstrap 4: Flexbox and Layout
    • Bootstrap 4: Flexbox and Layout
    • Flexbox Utilities Part 2
    • Navs and Flexbox
    • The Bootstrap 4 Grid
    • The Grid + Flexbox
    • Museum of Candy Project Part 1
    • Note about Museum of Candy Project Part 2
    • Museum of Candy Project Part 2
    • Museum of Candy Project Part 3
    • Museum of Candy Project Part 4
    • Museum of Candy Project Part 5

    Introduction to JavaScript
    • Unit Objectives
    • The JavaScript Console
    • Primitives
    • Primitives Exercises
    • Variables
    • Null and Undefined
    • Useful Built-In Methods
    • Writing JavaScript in a Separate File
    • JS Stalker Exercise
    • JS Stalker Exercise: SOLUTION
    • Age Calculator Exercise
    • Age Calculator Exercise: SOLUTION

    Javascript Basics: Control Flow
    • Unit Objectives
    • Boolean Logic
    • Note about logical operators lecture
    • Logical Operators
    • Conditionals
    • Conditionals Exercise SOLUTION
    • Guessing Game Code Along
    • Note about Introduction to Loops lecture
    • Introduction to Loops
    • 3 While Loop Exercises
    • While Loops Problem Set
    • While Loops Problem Set: SOLUTION
    • Annoy-O-Matic Code Along
    • Note about Intro to For Loops lecture
    • Intro to For Loops
    • For Loops Quick Exercises
    • Loops Problem Set
    • Loops Problem Set: SOLUTION

    Javascript Basics: Functions
    • Unit Objectives
    • Introduction to Functions
    • Arguments
    • Note about Function Declaration vs. Function Expression
    • The Return Keyword
    • Functions Quiz
    • Functions Problem Set
    • Functions Problem Set: SOLUTION
    • Scope Code Along
    • Scope Quiz
    • Higher Order Functions Code Along

    Javascript Basics: Arrays
    • Unit Objectives
    • Introduction to Arrays
    • Arrays Methods
    • Array Quiz
    • Note about Todo List Code Along
    • Todo List Code Along Part 1
    • Array Iteration
    • Quick Array Iteration Challenge
    • Note about Todo List Code Along Part 2
    • Todo List Code Along Part 2
    • Array Problem Set
    • Array Problem Set: SOLUTION
    • OPTIONAL: Building Our Own ForEach

    Javascript Basics: Objects
    • Introduction to Objects
    • Comparing Objects and Arrays
    • Nested Objects and Arrays
    • Objects Quiz
    • Movie Database Exercise
    • Adding Methods to Objects
    • The Keyword This

    DOM Manipulation
    • Note About DOM Manipulation Lectures
    • Introduction to the DOM
    • Defining the DOM
    • Select and Manipulate
    • Note about UI changes in new versions of Chrome
    • Important Selector Methods
    • Selector Exercise
    • Note about next lecture (Manipulating Style):
    • Manipulating Style
    • Manipulating Text and Content
    • Manipulating Attributes
    • Note about changing the Google logo in next lecture
    • Playing With Google Code Along

    Advanced DOM Manipulation
    • Introduction to Events
    • Color Toggle Exercise
    • Score Keeper Project Part 1
    • Note about Score Keeper Project Part 2
    • Score Keeper Project Part 2
    • Other Types of Events: Todo List
    • Note regarding counting events exercise
    • Counting Events Exercise

    Color Game Project
    • Notes regarding color game
    • Creating the Color Game Pt. 1
    • Creating the Color Game Pt. 2
    • Creating the Color Game Pt. 3
    • Creating the Color Game Pt. 4
    • Creating the Color Game Pt. 5
    • Creating the Color Game Pt. 6
    • Creating the Color Game Pt. 7
    • Color Game Project Part 8
    • Creating the Color Game Pt. 9

    Intro to jQuery
    • What is jQuery?
    • Why Use jQuery?
    • Including jQuery
    • Note about jQuery
    • Selecting with jQuery
    • Selector Exercise
    • Text and HTML
    • Attr and Val
    • Manipulating Classes

    Advanced jQuery
    • jQuery Events: Click
    • Note about typo in the next lecture
    • jQuery Events: Keypress
    • jQuery Events: On
    • jQuery Effects
    • Todo List Projects
    • Note About Todo List App Fade and Slide Animations
    • Intro to the Todo List App
    • Todo List: Folder Structure
    • Todo List: Basic HTML
    • Todo List: Marking Completion
    • Todo List: Deleting Todos
    • Note about next lecture (Creating Todos):
    • Todo List: Creating Todos
    • Todo List: Styling Pt. 1
    • Todo List: Styling Pt. 2
    • Note about Font Awesome 5 and Toggling the Form
    • Todo List: Toggling the Form

    OPTIONAL Project: Patatap Clone
    • Project Intro
    • Note about Paper.js Exercise
    • Paper.js Intro
    • Paper.js Exercise
    • Adding Keypress Events
    • Paper.js Animations
    • Note about next lecture (Howler.js)
    • Adding Howler.js
    • Patatap Clone Refactor

    Backend Basics
    • Introduction to Backend
    • HTTP in Depth
    • Backend Workflow Pt. 1
    • Backend Workflow Pt. 2
    • Note about Cloud9 signup - IMPORTANT!!! Please Read!
    • Introduction to Cloud 9

    The Command Line
    • Introduction to the Command Line
    • CD and LS
    • Touch and Mkdir
    • Removing Files and Folders
    • Command Line Exercise

    Node JS
    • Introduction to Node
    • Using Node
    • Node Echo Exercise
    • Node Average Exercise
    • Introduction to NPM
    • Note about Installing NPM Packages
    • Installing NPM Packages
    • Note about NPM Faker Exercise
    • NPM Faker Exercise

    Server Side Frameworks
    • Introduction to Express
    • Note about Our First Express App
    • Our First Express App
    • The Package.json
    • Route Params
    • Express Basics Exercise
    • Express Basics Exercise: SOLUTION

    Intermediate Express
    • Note about Templates and EJS
    • Templates and EJS
    • EJS: Conditionals and Loops
    • Serving Custom Assets
    • Post Requests Part 1
    • Post Requests Pt. 2

    Working With API's
    • Intro to API's
    • JSON and XML
    • Making API Requests with Node
    • Sunset Time API Example
    • Note about Movie API lectures
    • Movie API App: Introduction
    • Movie API App: Results Route
    • Movie API App: Displaying Data
    • Movie API App: Adding Search

    YelpCamp: Basics
    • YelpCamp: Initial Routes
    • YelpCamp: Layout
    • YelpCamp: Creating Campgrounds
    • Note about YelpCamp: Styling Campgrounds Lecture
    • YelpCamp: Styling Campgrounds
    • YelpCamp: Styling Nav and Forms

    • What is a Database?
    • Note about installing MongoDB
    • Installing MongoDB
    • Mongo Shell Basics
    • Notes about Mongoose
    • Introduction to Mongoose Pt. 1
    • Introduction to Mongoose Pt. 2

    YelpCamp: Data Persistence
    • YelpCamp: Adding Mongoose
    • How to Avoid Potential Issues with Mongoose
    • YelpCamp: Campground Show Page Part 1
    • Yelp Camp: Campground Show Page Part 2

    RESTful Routing
    • Intro to REST
    • RESTful Blog App: INDEX
    • Note about Blog App: Layout
    • Blog App: Layout
    • Note about RESTful Blog App: New and Create
    • RESTful Blog App: NEW and CREATE
    • Note about RESTful Blog App: SHOW
    • RESTful Blog App: SHOW
    • RESTful Blog App: EDIT AND UPDATE
    • RESTful Blog App: DESTROY
    • Note about RESTful Blog App: Final Touches
    • RESTful Blog App: Final Touches

    Data Associations
    • Introduction to Associations
    • Embedded Data
    • Note About Object References
    • Object References
    • Module.exports

    YelpCamp: Comments
    • YelpCamp: Refactoring App.js
    • Note about Seeding the Database
    • YelpCamp: Seeding the Database
    • Note about comment model lecture
    • YelpCamp: Comment Model
    • Note about Comments Lecture
    • YelpCamp: Creating Comments Pt. 1
    • YelpCamp: Creating Comments Pt. 2
    • YelpCamp: Styling Comments Pt 1
    • Note about YelpCamp: Styling Comments Pt 2
    • YelpCamp: Styling Comments Pt 2

    • Note about authentication section
    • Introduction to Authentication
    • Secret Page Code Along Pt. 1
    • Secret Page Code Along Pt. 2
    • Secret Page Code Along Pt. 3
    • Secret Page Code Along Pt. 4
    • Secret Page Code Along Pt. 5

    YelpCamp: Adding Authentication
    • YelpCamp: Adding Auth Pt. 1
    • YelpCamp: Adding Auth Pt. 2
    • YelpCamp: Adding Auth Pt. 3
    • YelpCamp: Adding Auth Pt. 4
    • YelpCamp: Adding Auth Pt. 5

    YelpCamp: Cleaning Up
    • YelpCamp: Refactoring Routes
    • YelpCamp: User Associations: Comment
    • YelpCamp: User Associations: Campground

    YelpCamp: Update and Destroy
    • Intro to New YelpCamp Features
    • Campground Edit and Update
    • Campground Destroy
    • Note about Campground Authorization
    • Campground Authorization Part 1
    • Campground Authorization Part 2
    • Comment Edit and Update
    • Note about Comment Destroy lecture
    • Comment Destroy
    • Comment Authorization

    YelpCamp: UI Improvements
    • Refactoring Middleware
    • Flash Messages: Installation
    • Note about Flash Messages
    • Flash Messages: Adding Bootstrap
    • Flash Messages: Helpful Errors
    • Note about error handling
    • Landing Page Refactor - Part One
    • Landing Page Refactor - Part Two
    • Dynamic Price Feature
    • Note about further YelpCamp improvements

    Git and Github
    • Intro To Git
    • Git Init, Add, and Commit
    • Git Log and Checkout
    • Note about Git lectures

    • Intro to Deploying and Heroku
    • Deploying a Simple App Part 1
    • Note about Heroku CLI
    • Deploying a Simple App Part 2
    • Deploying YelpCamp: Basics
    • Note about MongoLab
    • Deploying YelpCamp: MongoLab
    • Environment Variables
    • JavaScript: The Tricky Stuff
    • Keyword This 1 - Introduction and Global
    • Keyword This 2 - Global With Strict
    • Keyword This 3 - Implicit
    • Keyword This 4 - Call Apply Bind
    • Keyword This 5 - Fixing Our Issue With Call
    • Keyword This 6 - Apply
    • Keyword This 7 - Bind
    • Keyword This 8 - Bind Pt. 2
    • Keyword This 9 - New Keyword & Recap
    • OOP 1 - Introduction
    • OOP 2 - New Keyword
    • OOP 3 - Multiple Constructors
    • OOP 4 - Recap
    • OOP 5 - Prototypes
    • OOP 6 - Prototype Chain
    • OOP 7 - Exercise
    • OOP 8 - Solution and Recap
    • Closures

    Total Size: 7.72GB

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