Android Studio e Java - Curso Para Iniciantes Free Download

Android Studio and Java - Beginners Course

Our course will teach you in the most fun way possible, with dogs, memes and jokes.

Created by One Day Code
Last updated 3/2018
 Language: Portuguese

What you will learn
Install and Configure Android Studio and Java JDK
Create, Open, and Rename Projects in Android Studio
Set up Virtual Machines that Simulate Android Devices
Basic Java Programming and Mathematical Operations
Fix Errors using the Android Studio Interface
Use Simple or Multiple Conditionals
Using and Positioning Components to Android (TextView, ImageView, Buttons and EditTexts)
Programming Void, Integer and String Functions
Programming Functions with Parameters
Alert Messages Using Toast
Receiving User Data with EditTexts
Create a Full Calculator
Create Animations on Images
Using Own Fonts in TextViews
Installing and Configuring a Faster Emulator (GenyMotion)


  • Does not require prior knowledge, is a beginner course

Need an app for your one million dollar idea?
We know that programming can seem like something difficult and complicated, but with these lessons you will learn quickly, in a funfast and fun way.
This course is about Native Android Application Development using Android Studio. By registering you will receive a booklet with more than 100 pages of content about the course.
* If you want to test the course, the first 10 lessons are available for free *
The course is divided into sections according to the themes, at the end of each section there is a Quizz to reinforce your knowledge.
The labor market is being affected by the crisis, the prediction is that in Brazil in 2022 there are more than 400 thousand open IT vacancies, knowing how to program for mobile devices can be a great differential when looking for a job or creating your own Startup!

Course content

About the Course and Gifts
  • Introduction and Themes
  • Gift (50 Video Cards Free)
  • Your Free Ebook
  • Your Free E-book!
  • Introduction to Udemy

Installation and Introduction to Android Studio
  • Installing Android Studio on Windows
  • Installing Android Studio on MAC
  • Creating and Opening Projects
  • Android Studio Interface
  • Configuring a Virtual Machine
  • Gradle and Using Accents in Projects

Programming the Basics
  • Basic Java and Variables
  • Log.i - Printing and Concatenating Variables
  • CHALLENGE 01 - Download
  • Commenting on the Code
  • Errors and Solutions
  • Math operations
  • SUPPORT 01 - Mathematical Operations
  • Conditional If and Equals
  • CHALLENGE 02 - Download
  • Boolean conditional
  • About Me

  • Add and Rename Activities and Classes
  • TextViews
  • Strings.xml in TextViews
  • ImageViews (Image Component)
  • Own Images and Background
  • Buttons (Button Component)
  • CHALLENGE 03 - Download
  • Changing the App Icon
  • Installable Files and USB Debug
  • SUPPORT 02 - Installable Files and USB Debug Step by Step
  • QUIZZ - Section 04

Programming Components
  • Scheduling TextViews
  • CHALLENGE 04 - Download
  • Programming Strings.xml in TextViews
  • Programming Button Titles
  • Scheduling ImageViews Contents
  • QUIZZ - Section 05

Functions and Toasts
  • Functions and Their Ingredients
  • Void function called by Button
  • CHALLENGE 05 - Download
  • Void function called by Button - Mode 2
  • String and Integer Function (Returning Word or Number of Functions)
  • Toasts (Screen Alerts)
  • CHALLENGE 06 - Download
  • Functions with Parameters and Conditionals
  • QUIZZ - Section 06

Receiving and Displaying User Data
  • EditTexts and Hints (Form Fields)
  • Collecting Information from EditTexts
  • CHALLENGE 07 - Download
  • Collecting Numbers from EditText
  • Project - Full Calculator
  • CHALLENGE 08 - Download
  • QUIZZ - Section 07
  • Goodbye Friends and Goodbye!

Creating a Pokédex
  • Archives for Pokémon Content
  • Start Menu - Screen Saver
  • Creating List Layout - ListView
  • Placing Information in ArrayList and ListView - ArrayAdapter
  • Warn information when clicking on list item - OnItenClickListener
  • Hide Screen Title
  • How to Create a Custom Layout for the List - Custom List Adapter
  • Custom List Adapter
  • Extra Section
  • Quick Emulator - Genymotion
  • Animating ImageViews
  • EXTRA CHALLENGE 01 - Download
  • Own sources

What are the requirements?
  • No prior programming knowledge is required, you will learn from scratch.
  • A PC or MAC with an Internet connection.
  • No paid software is required. What is the target audience?
Who is this course for?
  • Anyone who wants to learn in a practical, fast and fun way.
  • People who want to create their own apps.
Who this course is for:
  • People who want to learn Android in a funny way.
  • Beginners with Android Mobile Programming
Total Size: 1.31GB

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